Back from training

We are back from training and heading into our last week of not teaching, then we finally start in with what we came here to do.... teach english. the kids come back to school thursday, where we will have opening ceremonies and then immediately start in on testing, which is why vicky and i have taken this coming friday off. the kids test until tuesday and then we start teaching. so we start actually teachin in about a week and two or three days.
as for the language training that we just finished, it went very well. the japanese classes were very helpful and we both feel like we learned a lot. the culture things they had for us to do were not quite as helpful, but still had things to offer. along with the training our week was also very productive in a few other ways. Vicky located a nice set of art supplies for her to use here in Kure, I found out I'm the current undisputed dodgeball champ of JETS everywhere, and Vicky, Bernard (a jet), and I found out there are amazing 9 floor buildings were you can play all the video games you want at a price of 10 dollars for three hours. anyways, here are some pics from the week, hope you like. love you all.