Back in Japan

Well, we have made it back safe and sound. The day after we returned we started back at school. Joel is here visiting Japan. He flew back the same day as us and he has been staying with us. We showed him around Kure and took him to some places in Hiroshima. Joel has been studying about Japan and is pretty independant around here. He is leaving this week to do some traveling on his own around Japan.
April 6th our students start back up at school and Scott and I will have a new group of students to teach. Back to the introduction lesson... Then, on April 26th, we will leave for Thailand with our friend Bernard and my dad will meet us there. We are looking forward to the warm weather and beaches!
Well, we had a great time in America. I had two great bridal showers, Scott and I got a lot of wedding planning done, I got a job teaching in a preschool for the 2006 - 2007 school year, and we got to see a lot of friends and family...all in 10 days! Scott and I have a lot to look forward to upon our return to the states! Until then we are going to try to make the most of our last 4 months in Japan!
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