Comic Relief

Since Scott and I were here in Japan, we didn't get to watch the Super Bowl. However, we did get to enjoy some football related things. first we downloaded the super bowl commercials and watched them. we thought that on the whole they weren't the best, but the sprint phone commercial where he throws the phone in the guys face has had us laughing everytime we watch it. Second the Raider Cheerleaders came to the small army base in Kure. So, the 14 or so soldiers stationed there along with us and about 30 japanese people got a pretty private show. And as you can see Scott and his friend Jason got to get some pictures with them. Scott still hates the Raiders just so everyone knows.
On the Japanese front, Scott and I have been more active in our schools recently. We have been grading a lot of writing assignments, and often we get some pretty good ones that we tell each other about. We were even saying yesterday that we should write some down and keep them to remember. Then today, I graded two great stories that I felt I needed to share with everyone. Most of the stories were very nice and sweet and expressed student's desires to help humanity. However, these Japanese students are very "imaginative". They of course saved the best part for last and had everyone in the office laughing. After grading them I felt I should put a disclaimer that the grade did not reflect my support for their "ambitions" Anyway, here they are (errors included)....
Q. If you could start your own company what would it do and why would you want to start that company?
A. I will build a big building. Because if the building is more and more big, many people will look at it. As a result my company is known by many people. And I want my company to do "A and M." Because this makes a company big. When my company grows, my company will spread to other areas. The company will raise many money. And finally, I will steal all the money that my company has and escape to another country.
(Bet you didn't expect that ending!)
A. I will make a very big family like the movie the "Godfather". And I will make a large number of weapons and I'll sell them to other countries. Because it can earn a lot of money. So I'll use that money to bigger my family. I will employ young men to war with other families. Then I'll win the war and I can get their area. And the area will have many shops and companies, so I will get money from them for protecting them. And I will make families to go to other parts of Japan. I will use the money to go to America, and then, I'll make other families there. And I will become the king of the world. However, I'll be killed by the police, and my life is end.
(At first I wasn't sure whether to be worried or laugh, but another teacher said this boy is just funny. And we think American kids watch too much tv/movies!)
Anyway, this was a long blog, but I hope you enjoyed.
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