Friday, August 12, 2005

One year

Just wanted to point out that today begins our one year countdown to our wedding. It is still a ways away, but we are enjoying our pre-marriage anniversary.

Secondly I have wanted to write about a custom that I think you all would find interesting. In Japanese schools there are no janitors - instead the students do all the school cleaning. Every day there is a designated time for the students to clean. And I don't mean grabbing Windex and wiping the windows. I have seen them cut back bushes and trees, sweep the halls, rake, the bad kids clean the bathrooms, take out garbage, dust, wash sidewalks, and I have even seen some kids climbing up on the overhangs and roofs to sweep! Scott says his school cleans 15 min a day and 1 1/2 hours at the end of each term. And the teachers just sit back and monitor. So, what do you think of that? Interesting concept...


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