Kagura weekend (a little late)

Sorry to be writing this a few days after the fact, but better late than never i guess. Last weekend we went to see Kagura in Hiroshima City. One of Vicky's coworkers knew about this and asked if we wanted to go. Of course we didn't know what Kagura was, but we said yes, as we often do. As it turns out Kagura is a form of theatre/dance that is performed by groups from all over Japan. It is very traditional. Two groups from different parts of Hiroshima were scheduled to perform Saturday night on the Hiroshima Castle grounds. It was even a free show, which was nice. As you can see from the picture, the costumes they were are very elaborate, and the dancing was great too. If we could have understood the words they were speaking and singing it really would have been amazing, but a good time was still had anyways. The only downfall of the evening was the rate at which the temperature dropped after the sun went down, but we headed to warmer areas for dinner and drinks after the show was over. The warmer area ended up being The Shack, a very popular place to eat or drink or just hang out in Hiroshima. Overall the night ended up being very fun. Sunday was low key, but on one exciting note, we purchased a small dish that fits inside our microwave/oven and cooked a pot roast for dinner, (very american) well anyways, we have another fun weekend coming up, with a few friends coming to visit so check back again soon. thanks for the comments and take care!
oh ya, and the other picture on here is of the huge koi fish in the moat (spelling??) around Hiroshima Castle. (and seriously, they were huge, like 20 inches long!!)
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