Gorge Hunting

This weekend Scott and I took Friday off so that we could have a three day weekend before we became busy with school.
Friday we went couch shopping and purchased a new couch for our living room that folds down into a bed for when our friends and family come to stay with us. It is longer but takes up less width space than the couch we had when we got here. It was a lot of fun shopping and we feel like the apartment is starting to feel like our home. Friday night we went out to an izakaya (Japanese bar/restaurant) with one of our Japanese friends - Akiko. We tried a lot of great foods! Scott even liked some salmon!
Saturday we went gorge hunting. We took a bus most of the way to Nikyu Gorge and then hiked the rest. Unfortunately our map was not very detailed and we took a lot of wrong turns on the way. We did a lot more hiking than planned. Once we got there we were so impressed. The water level is low this time of year so the river running through the gorge wasn't flowing, but it was cool to see how the water smoothed out all the rock formations. There was also a suspension bridge over the gorge. It was so high it was a little scary for me, but we got a lot of great pictures! Saturday night we rented three tapes of the American TV series 24. It was good and now we are hooked!
Today, Sunday, we went to church. We found out there is a Catholic church close to us that has an English service at 12:00. We are not converting to Catholic, but we enjoyed the service and plan on going back. Right before and after church we continued to watch 24...haha. Tonight we are going to our first Japanese lesson. Every Sunday we will have Japanese lessons from 6:30 to 7:30. We are very excited!
We have been busy this weekend, but we are also looking forward to this upcoming week because Scott and I both start teaching. Our first lessons will be mostly introductions, but now we will have more to do at school. We look forward to sharing with you how our first classes go. They will be interesting!
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