October begins

Well, this past week and weekend were less eventful than the past few. My school is preparing for exams so some of my classes got cancelled and this upcoming week they are taking the exams and so I have no classes. Scott's preparation is this week and his exams are next week.
On Friday we went out to dinner at an Italian place with one of the teachers from Scott's school. Then we went to a bar and met up with some other English speaking people who live here in Kure. We went to a Jamaican restaurant and I had some tea and Scott started what turned out to be a long night for him! After tea I went home, but Scott stayed out with the guys and didn't get back till about 1:00 in the morning. He wasn't feeling so hot the next day.
Then on Saturday we ran errands and cleaned the apartment. We've been very good about staying on top of that. Our apartment is so small it doesn't take long to clean! Then we went to Portopia Park about 4 train stops towards Hiroshima City. We were going to see an ecological fair and flea market, but it had finished by the time we got there! However, we still walked around the park and got some great pictures! After we went to a "hat party" for another JET. We had a lot of fun and got to meet new people.
Today we did our usual routine of church, watching 24, and going to Japanese lesson. Not a lot going on, but we wanted to keep you up to date. Next weekend we will have a lot to share because we are going to a traditional saki festival in Siajo! It should be a lot of fun
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