November underway

Well, our November has started! The first Thursday we had a holiday, but I agreed to go in and judge a speech contest held at my school. So Scott and I took it easy that day. This past weekend was a lot more fun. We went with some friends to Hiroshima City. We walked around Peace Park, did some shopping, and went out to eat. It was a lot of fun. Then on Sunday, Kure was have a huge food festival. We walked around and looked at all the stands. There was many different foods, including some ethnic middle eastern foods. I had some great corn and I bought a snow crab for 500 yen (about $4)! Scott had a really unique sandwhich (I think it was middle eastern) It was a bread pocket filled with seasoned meat and some salsa. On Sunday we both had Japanese lessons. Japanese is a really difficult language! I feel like I am just beginning to be able to make sentences on my own.
This week we will teach as normal. Scott is tutoring some Japanese people he met on Tuesday night. They work for Japanese civil service and want Scott to talk to them about poverty, racism, culture, etc in America. It should be fun for him to do and maybe he will learn more about Japan's culture as well.
Well, thank you for your comments. We really appreciate hearing from everyone. Thank you for taking the time to read our blog as well!
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