End of the Birthdays

We were very lucky last weekend to have three of our friends who are JETs come stay with us. On Saturday Melanie, Bernard, and Jody came to celebrate our birthdays with us. That night we went to an izakaya with them and 4 other people from Kure. We had a great dinner and then went to a local bar. When we got back we put in a movie and had some time just to hang out.
Sunday, Scott and Bernard had to play Madden. Afterward we all went bowling here in town. It was our first time bowling here in Japan. Our biggest surprise was Japanese bowling shoes. In America we always complain about bowling shoes, but we will never complain again. All the bowling shoes were white with neon pink and purple detailing, with velcro. It was hilarious seeing the guys put them on! Of course I took pictures.
On my birthday, Tuesday, Scott and I went out for dinner at a new restaurant here in town. It is called a garlic restaurant, but it had a variety of foods. It was very good. Then we came back to our apartment, watched a movie, and hung out. It was a nice, relaxing evening. And also the night before my birthday Scott got us American pizza, which is always something to write about!